Monday, February 24, 2014

Your Cold Vs Mine

The times when getting hit with a cold, are comparable to being slammed by a mac-truck twice over, then flipped for skids, is more than enough cause to take a break from life.. before you warm your caracas.
Viral reactions depend on will
Will is a formulation of emotion that not many are required to tap into.

From athletes of all persuasions to the grocer down the street.  Their willingness to fight inside and out is what sets them apart from the shared affliction.

What ails you mentally, emotionally, physically, may not be interpreted the same as the person across from you.

Professor Emerita, Jean Berko Gleason is a woman mind matters.  While teaching at {her almamarter} Boston University, PhD Jean Gleason collaborated with fellow professional in the creation of " The Development of Language ".

Why Do Men Act This Way?

In general, men are not used to talking about their inner states and expressing if they are feeling happy or hot, says Jean Berko Gleason, PhD, professor emerita of Psychology at Boston University.
"Men are less in touch with their feelings," she says, "so it might be more difficult for them to interpret what's going on when they are overwhelmed or sick."
Gleason points out that societal expectations may perpetuate this pattern. "Women aren't supposed to fall apart when they have a cold," she says. "So men who are needing some nurturing might take advantage of that on occasions when they aren't feeling well to get some care and love from the people around them."
But Gleason warns against stereotyping. "In general, the differences between the sexes are less than we think," she says. "We admire everybody who is brave, but the social pressures on men and boys are much greater."

When It's More Than a Cold

Actions nee to be more engaging.  For strong fevers and ick-nasty, persistent hacking, especially during flu season, it would be best to consult your physician.  If you don't have one.. well, that's another story.

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