Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cleaning The pipes (TMI)

Firstly, big-ups to Shanda and Crystal {[Rustic Chick Moms on a lifetime mission]} and Secondly, until pics and graffiti font are added, this post is still in production.

My period started the day my toddlers donor called.

Yesterday was the first time I've heard his voice in.... ALMOST a year, (give or take 2months, 3weeks and 4days.. His inquiries can be summed into the parts he desires to be, where he is with his two other children and where he's just weird to me and why we never 'formally' dated (then again I'm more for informalities with pleasantries anyway)

When you're a parent, or play an active role in childs life (minimum of 10 hours a week) {[OMG, just realized I average 20 hours a day with my toddler]} you question the child more, and yourself less.

Here is a list of questions my toddler-girl's donor asked me to answer for him and here are the categories.

Father questions:

Daddy questions:

Donor questions: "Can I speak to her?" {(sure.. Call more, vist period)}

After yesterday's emotional slap, and today's ground floor revisitation, I'm re-re-evaluating yet more decisions in my life.  After I took the assessment and then began the web search, I got caught in yet another tug-of-war between job applications.  It took me nearly 5 hours to shrug off the destruction grabbers.  {So who TRULY won THAT war?  ... some might argue, the distraction}

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